
In 1801 there was a 100 people living here. In 1867, because of the good money people made in the herringfisheries in the 19th century, it had increased to 1357 inhabitants. In 1.1.2013 there was 3327 inhabitants in Skudeneshavn. If you look at the houses they are all whitepainted. That is a sign of a bit of wealth. Those with the least money only painted the facade white and the back of their house orange or red to save a little bit of money. It's a similar story with the roof. On the facade side: expensive tiles and cheaper ones on the backside.

doors firehydrant herring houses old skudeneshavn
Fuji GA 645 Zi
Kodak Ektar 100 ISO 120
The narrow streets of Skudeneshavn.

25 個留言

  1. roundmidnight
    roundmidnight ·

    Very Nice !

  2. sierravictor
    sierravictor ·

    Thanks! It was a lovely morning in one the best summer we've had ever.

  3. atropaworkshop
    atropaworkshop ·


  4. lichtschilder
    lichtschilder ·

    coool! nice capture and great colors!

  5. xsara
    xsara ·

    lovely album!

  6. paulo_bretas
    paulo_bretas ·


  7. dida
    dida ·

    perfect reflection <3

  8. wil6ka
    wil6ka ·

    picture perfct

  9. sierravictor
    sierravictor ·

    @wil6ka Thank you! I've found a couple of reflections that has ended up giving a nice photo.

  10. gabriel-palacios
    gabriel-palacios ·

    So beautiful, I can't believe this shot.

  11. sierravictor
    sierravictor ·

    @gabriel-palacios Thank you! Norway has several spots that can give you a shot like this. It was a very nice morning in june 2014. The best summer we've had in many years.

  12. mglbsas
    mglbsas ·

    I love

  13. sierravictor
    sierravictor ·

    @mglbsas Thank you! I'm very pleased with it! It did turn out well i feel.

  14. 134340
    134340 ·


  15. sierravictor
    sierravictor ·

    @134340 Thank you! It was a nice july-morning!

  16. bkspicture
    bkspicture ·

    Nice shot!

  17. sierravictor
    sierravictor ·

    @bkspicture Takk for det! Det var den varmeste sommeren på mange år.

  18. igotthechop
    igotthechop ·

    Your photos make Norway look so beautiful!

  19. sierravictor
    sierravictor ·

    @igotthechop Thank you! Norway has many beautiful small places, and of course I do take advantage of beautiful light when it's there.

  20. grandphilippe
    grandphilippe ·

    Great...and nice

  21. syrosa6
    syrosa6 ·

    Beautiful photo. The reflection and colors are amazing in this shot. Great job!

  22. sierravictor
    sierravictor ·

    @syrosa6 Thank you! Summers like the one that year are too rare here sadly...

  23. roaringtree
    roaringtree ·

    This has got it all, fabulous!

  24. fpareras
    fpareras ·

    Simetría perfecta en el reflejo del agua

  25. sierravictor
    sierravictor ·

    @fpareras Gracias!

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