I have found photography interesting right from childhood. For the first many years, I have mostly photographed my travels, vacation and family photos.
In 2013 I became a member of a photo club in my hometown and from there it has escalated. I bought myself some good digital cameras with lenses.
In 2018, I became seriously interested in analog photography and have since been primarily analog. I have a larger collection of antique cameras that I enjoy using. My preferences are probably Leica both ltm and M, but also the many beautiful old bellows cameras, where those from Carl Zeiss are at the top of my list, especially SuperIkonta.
I enjoy the place here to share my photos and am also happy to see all the many beautiful and or interesting photos that all of you others post.
我的相片 我的照片集 My Likes
相簿: 2025-02-03 Frederiksberg close to Copenhagen on a day in February
shared by boxerclaus on 2025-02-09 · 28 張照片 -
相簿: 2024-10-26 The Analog Club visits Nørrebro, a part of Copenhagen
shared by boxerclaus on 2024-10-27 · 24 張照片 -
相簿: 2024-10-05 Motifs from Thisted i North Jutland
shared by boxerclaus on 2024-10-19 · 11 張照片 -
相簿: 2024-09-07 The chapel and the psychiatric museum
shared by boxerclaus on 2024-10-08 · 16 張照片 -
相簿: 2024-10-05 Old german bunkers at the shore at Vigsø i North Jutland.
shared by boxerclaus on 2024-10-07 · 11 張照片 -
相簿: 2024-09-14 The Analog group visits Landskrona in Sweden to have a look at the photo festival.
shared by boxerclaus on 2024-09-15 · 24 張照片
My Metas
- Tags:
- 20 degrees celcius.
- 5 minutes 20 degrees celcius.
- 5minutes (next time only 10 minutes)
- Adotech IV developer.
- Adox XT3 developer
- Caffenol exp200iso
- Caffenol CM
- Caffenol. 12
- Film 8 years overdue. Caffenol.
- Foma 100 pushed to iso 200
- HP5 shot at 200 iso
- HR developer
- HR developer 1+49 22 degrees celcius 11 minutes.
- Longtime stand development 1+50 Rodinal. 112 minutes
- Old Fuji film from 2001 and old developer. Lot's of grain but usable to illustrate the storm.
- Outdated film. Tetenal.
- Photos from Roskilde November 2019
- Refshaleøen Rollei SuperGrain
- Rodinal 1+150 13 minutes.
- Rodinal 1+24
- Rodinal 24 grader
- Rodinal pushed 2½ stops
- Rodinal.
- Rodinal. Sunny 16.
- Shot and developed as 12 iso. Rodinal 1+150 for 13 minutes.
- Shot and developed as iso 200
- Something in development went wrong. Dark stripes in the frames.
- Tetenal C41 (9 months old)
- XT3
- XT3 Shot as 100 iso Developed as 100 iso
- XT3 developer
- adox XT3
- adox hr developer
- agfa apx100
- bornholm
- caffenol
- caffenol 12
- caffenol.
- developed in caffenol.
- diafine
- digibase c41
- lomography
- no agitations
- pinhole
- rodinal
- rodinal 1+100
- stand development 70 min.
- tetanal
- tetenal c41
- yellow filter
- Cameras:
- Agfa Selectronic S
- Canon Canonet QL17 G-III
- Canon P
- Contax T
- Leica M4
- Leica R6
- Leica iiia
- Leidolf Lordomat
- Mamiya C330
- Mamiya ZM Quartz
- Minolta XD7
- Olympus 35 SP
- Olympus XA
- Pentax 17
- Pentax MV1
- Ricoh FF 1
- Rollei 35 TE
- Rolleiflex Automat 6x6 - Model K4B
- Rolleiflex SL66
- Yashica 124 Mat
- Films:
- Adox HR-50
- Adox Silvermax 100
- Agfa APX 100
- Agfa APX 400
- Agfa APX100
- Foma 100
- Foma 400
- Fomapan 100
- Fomapan 200
- Fomapan 400
- Ilford FP4+ ISO 125
- Ilford HP5
- Kentmere 100
- Kodak Color 200
- Kodak Color Plus 200 (35mm)
- Kodak Gold 200 (35mm)
- Kodak Portra 160
- Kodak color 200
- Rollei Ortho 25
- Rollei Retro 400S