I 'm "HERO OF THE DAY" because I'm still alive.
After a sudden end to my career (due to illness), I am now my dear wife's ‘house elf’.
Photography has actually always been my thing.
I restarted on analog fotography lately and enterd the 'Lomo-sphere' on 2023 April 12th.
And I enjoy it!
It's never too late to have a happy childhood, even when you're 63!
My 35mm gear:
Rangefinder / Viewfinder:
1963 Agfa Optima Parat half frame
1978 Revue 400S
1981 Agfa Optima Sensor electronic
1986 Beroquick-KB135
Point and shoot:
1962 Olympus PEN EE half frame
2023 Reto Ultra Wide and Slim
2023 AgfaPhoto Reusable Camera
2024 Kodak Ektar H35N half frame
1975 Porst Reflex CX4 M42 mount (VEB Pentacon Praktica LB2)
1975 Pentaflex-Color-50mm-f=2.8 (Meyer-Domiplan automatic) - a GDR made lens M42 mount
1975 Carl Zeiss Jena Sonnar-135mm-f=3.5 - a GDR made lens M42 mount
2025 Lomography Konstruktor with close-up and macro-lens set
Panorama, Experimental & Pinhole:
A wooden self constructed pinhole camera for 35mm film in 24x24mm format f=140
2023 Lomography HydroChrome Sutton's Panoramic Belair Camera
2024 Lomography Sprocket Rocket
Medium format:
1958 Agfa Synchro Box 105mm f=11
1959 Agfa Click II with Achromat 72,5 mm f=8,8
2023 Lomography Diana F+ with Glas lens
Happy shooting!
Photo of the week 2023-04-12 "FOOTBALL MATCH IN FORMER DAYS"
我的相片 我的照片集 My Walls My Likes
相簿: COLORS abstract
shared by lomo-elysion on 2025-02-13 · 7 張照片 -
相簿: Bother With The Little Lives
shared by lomo-elysion on 2025-02-11 · 47 張照片 -
相簿: DIY - Lomography Konstruktor plus close-up- and macro lens
shared by lomo-elysion on 2025-02-05 · 8 張照片 -
相簿: Art in public space
shared by lomo-elysion on 2025-01-25 · 10 張照片 -
相簿: monochrome public traffic
shared by lomo-elysion on 2025-01-04 · 23 張照片 -
相簿: passing by unbeknownst to you
shared by lomo-elysion on 2025-01-02 · 11 張照片
My Metas
- Tags:
- Beautiful Industry
- Beroquick KB 135
- Caffenol developed
- Civezza
- Gruga-Park
- M42.
- MC Sonnar 3
- PORST reflex CX4
- Yellow/Green Filter
- Zeche Zollern Dortmund
- abandoned train depot
- agfa optima sensor
- agfaphoto apx 400
- b&w
- best preserved mine
- blossoms
- botanical
- bus
- city
- coal pit × 39
- coaling plant
- den helder
- diana f+
- heavy duty crane
- higher contrast
- imperia
- italia
- italy
- kentmere 400
- kodak gold 200
- leaves
- ligure
- meritar
- metro
- monochrome
- old freight cars
- orange filter
- passengers
- ponente
- premium glass lens
- primavera
- public traffic
- pull 320 ISO
- roundhouse
- seaside
- stations
- train
- turntable
- vacanze
- Cameras:
- AGFA Click II
- Agfa Optima Parat
- Agfa Optima Sensor Electronic
- AgfaPhoto
- Agfaphoto Reusable Camera
- Beier Beroquick KB 135
- Canon AE-1
- Fuji X30
- HydroChrome Sutton's Panoramic Belair Camera
- HydroChrome Sutton’s Panoramic Belair Kamera
- Kodak Ektar H35N Half Frame Camera
- Leica M6
- Lomography Diana F+
- Lomography Sprocket Rocket
- Olympus Pen EE
- Porstreflex CX4 (Praktica LB)
- RETO Ultra Wide & Slim
- Revue 400 S
- Ricoh Auto Half E
- Self constructed and build pinhole camera - focal length 35mm - f-stop 140 - 135 film - 24x24mm format
- Films:
- Adox HR-50
- Agfa 100 RS color slide film
- Agfa APX 100
- Agfa APX 400
- Foma Fomapan 200
- Foma Fomapan 400
- Ilford HP5
- Ilford Pan F Plus 50
- Kentmere Pan 100
- Kentmere Pan 400
- Kodak Color 200
- Kodak Color Plus 200 (35mm)
- Kodak Gold 200 (35mm)
- Kodak Ultramax 400 (35mm)
- Lomography Color Negative 100
- Lomography color negative 800 iso (120)
- Perutz Chrome CR 100
- Rollei Paul & Reinhold ISO 640
- Turachrome CR200 S color slide film
- Cities:
- Civezza
- Civezza / Imperia
- Den Helder - Julianadorp
- Dortmund
- Essen
- Essen Baldeneysee
- Essen Gruga
- Essen-Altenessen
- Gelsenkirchen
- Gelsenkirchen Beckhausen
- Gelsenkirchen Buer
- Gelsenkirchen Horst
- Gelsenkirchen Sutum
- Herten
- Imperia Porto Maurizio
- Leonbronn
- Maulbronn
- Triora - Liguria
- Vienna
- Waltrop