What is slide film and E-6 processing?

Slide film has many other names, including “positive“, “transparency“, “reversal“ and “E-6” film. Unlike the more common color negative film, slide film produces a positive image straight onto the film. The light and dark areas appear as they do in reality. When mounted on card stock, these images are the slides that you’d put in a slide projector, or the slides that your grandparents have in boxes in the attic.

Slide film tends to have a low ISO and produces results with fine grain and vivid colors. For this reason it was a very popular choice back in the day for photographers working with print magazines such as National Geographic. However when it comes to exposure latitude slide film is not so flexible so it’s important to nail the exposure.

Photo 1 by bccbarbosa with Kodak Ektachrome E100G slide film. Photo 2 by evilpete with Kodak Ektachrome E100G slide film.

E-6 processing is the standard development practice for slide film. The term E-6 comes from the fact that the development process for slide film requires six baths, including developer, stop, and fixer.

Slide film is much less popular than color negative film, and as a result not all labs offer E-6 processing. However there is still enough demand that with a quick internet search you’ll be able to find somewhere to get your slide film developed without too much trouble.

Many Lomographers also enjoy developing slide film with C-41 chemicals as it produces fascinating effects with vastly altered colors. This unorthodox method of development is known as cross-processing.


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  • 不同底片格式之間有什麼分別?


    底片主要有三種格式: 35mm中片幅大片幅。其他比較少見格式則有 110 格式 以及 127 格式

  • 什麼是半格底片相機?


    半格底片相機可以在 35mm 底片上拍攝 18×24mm 的照片。 這意味著你最多可以在一卷底片上拍攝 72 張照片,並節省大量底片!

  • 什麼是 LomoChrome 底片系列?

    什麼是 LomoChrome 底片系列?

  • 我可以在哪裡沖掃我的底片?

    社區裡有很多沖掃店可以為你沖掃 35mm 彩色負片!

  • 什麼是交叉處理底片?


    交叉處理 (Cross processing / X-pro)是指刻意將底片以專為其他底片而製的化學藥水沖洗,而有機會獲得獨特、無法預知的色彩特效。

  • 黑白幻燈片是甚麼呢?

    幻燈片(也稱為 正片 、透明片和反轉片)是一種直接在化學沖洗製上產生正像顯影的底片。與負片不同的是底片上呈現的明暗地方與現實中一樣。

  • 什麼是黑白負片?

    這是最常見的黑白底片類型,其顯影原理與彩色負片大致相同。 從本質上講,底片上所有最亮的地方在成像上都會變暗,而底片上的所有暗區都會在成像上都會變亮。

  • 什麼是彩色負片和 C-41 沖洗?

    彩色負片是最常見和使用最廣泛的彩色底片。 彩色負片的主要特點之一是其靈活的曝光寬容度。 這意味著它容許不正確的曝光,尤其是過度曝光。 使用彩色負片時錯過 1 或 2 級的正確曝光也仍能獲得不錯的色彩效果。

  • 彩色負片和正片有什麼分別?

    彩色負片正片 都可以產生彩色圖像,但不同之處在於圖像的製作方式。