Born and living in Austria
I develop my own black and white negatives.
I scan my negatives and slides with a homemade repro device and a Nikon D300s.
The scanned photos are converted from negative to positive in @ PS and slightly corrected if necessary.
Nikon F100, Nikon F80, Minolta X-300, Minolta X-370, 3 Agfa Clack DIY Pinhole (6x9 & 6x6 & 4.5x6), Holga 120 WPC (Pinhole 6x6), Objektiv: Lomo LC-A MINITAR-1 Art Lens 2.8/32 M & Systemkamera Adapter with Close-Up Function for Sony A7
Out of order:
Franka Solida, Sprocket Rocket 35 mm, Pentax 645N, Miranda Sensorex
(R) lensbaby is a registered trademark
我的相片 我的照片集 My Likes
相簿: Nebel - fog
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相簿: Lomo LC-A MINITAR 1:2.8
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相簿: cyanotypie
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相簿: erotic
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相簿: Vienna cross
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相簿: flowers
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My Metas
- Tags:
- Eisenberg
- Rauchwart
- ScannedwithDigitaLIZA
- Stegersbach
- b&w
- bathing lake
- bernstein
- black-and-white
- blueprint
- burgenland
- car
- castle
- castle ruins
- children's playground
- christmas
- cross
- cross prozessing
- cyanotypie
- digitaliza
- drive
- elitechrom
- erotic
- flowers
- infrared
- kellerstöckl
- kodak
- lake
- landscape
- lochkamera
- museum
- nature
- nude
- out of focus
- panorama
- pinhole
- portrait
- processing
- rain
- raindrops
- sexy
- solar house
- stillife
- stream
- tigitaliza
- vegetables
- vienna
- village
- weingarten
- weinkeller
- Cameras:
- Agfa Clack
- Agfa Clack DIY Pinhole
- Holga 120
- Lomography Sprocket Rocket
- Minolta X-300
- NIKON D200
- Nikon F100
- Nikon F80
- Pentax 645
- Pentax 645N
- Sony A7
- nikon f100
- Films:
- Digital sensor
- FUJI Provia F 100 Rollfilm 120
- Fuji RDP III
- Fujifilm Fujichrome Provia 100F
- Ilford HP5 Plus 400
- Ilford SFX 200 (35mm)
- Ilford XP2 400 (35mm)
- Ilford xp2 400 120
- Kodak Ektachrome 100
- Kodak Elitechrome 100
- Kodak Gold 200 (35mm)
- LomoChrome Metropolis 35 mm ISO 100–400
- Lomography LomoChrome Turquoise XR 100-400 (35mm)
- digital