
  • BKSPicture

    bkspicture 於 2012-08-01 分享

    You can find more of my work on my homepage: http://www.bkspicture.com/ _________________________________________ Also have a blog where I write about my photo experience, tips and trick etc. . . . . . . . . http://www.blog.bkspicture.com/ _________________________________________ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/BKSPicture/171493582895927

  • BKSPicture

    bkspicture 於 2012-08-01 分享

    You can find more of my work on my homepage: http://www.bkspicture.com/ _________________________________________ Also have a blog where I write about my photo experience, tips and trick etc. . . . . . . . . http://www.blog.bkspicture.com/ _________________________________________ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/BKSPicture/171493582895927

  • 宝ケ池

    anjinho 於 2012-07-28 分享

  • #16534618

    has 於 2012-07-13 分享

  • #16534628

    has 於 2012-07-13 分享

  • #16534648

    has 於 2012-07-13 分享

  • #16535161

    gavin 於 2012-07-13 分享

  • #16535162

    gavin 於 2012-07-13 分享

  • Mum and Dad still in love

    gavin 於 2012-07-13 分享

  • #16534337

    beboop 於 2012-07-13 分享

    Pintando con luz en el Centro GAM Sábado 23 de Junio del 2012.

  • Birds in your stomach

    palkina 於 2012-04-23 分享

    this is my first ever bw film on lc-a. and my first self-developement // I shot this film very quickly in the lunch break. just was going to shoot the test roll for the test development. finally it was a lucky lunch break for me.
