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My Metas
- Tags:
- 3200
- DDR camera
- GDR camera
- Washi S
- agfa ct
- apx400
- bc1
- black and white
- black white
- blechburg
- brandenburg
- bw
- c200
- citrit acid
- cross developement
- ddr
- ddr lomo
- development failure
- diy redscale
- dresden
- e6 to c41
- filmsoup
- foma
- fomapan
- fomapan 200
- fomapan200
- gdr
- gdr gear
- grain
- graveyard
- ilford3200
- lomo
- minox
- minox 35
- motorrad
- night
- port
- praktica
- praktica bc1
- rapid system
- redscale
- sachsen
- smena
- smena sl
- street
- sw
- trashed
- washi
- washi film
- woods
- Cameras:
- Beier Beirette VSN
- Beirette VSN
- Holga 120 FN
- Lomography Simple Use Reloadable Film Camera
- Minox 35 ML
- Praktica BC1
- Praktica BCA
- Praktica MTL3
- Smena SL