
  • #27259069

    dwasawat 於 2024-04-24 分享

  • #27259075

    dwasawat 於 2024-04-24 分享

  • #27259082

    dwasawat 於 2024-04-24 分享

  • Beautiful Liza at home

    agafa 於 2024-04-20 分享

  • nuageux

    claudebalanca 於 2024-04-21 分享

  • Jen.

    randyweiphoto 於 2024-04-18 分享

  • Argentina #30 - Beagle Channel #2

    gheinz 於 2024-04-19 分享

    Without a doubt, the most beautiful excursion of our stay in Ushuaia: the boat trip on the Beagle Channel. It was cold, but what a spectacle. The sea wolves, the wild birds, the scouts' lighthouse, the spectacular natural setting, the location of the two opposing shores, the Chilean to the south, the Argentinian to the north. Here's the second part, shot with a Lomography Color Negative 800 roll, and my favorite Nikkor 50mm lens.

  • Argentina #30 - Beagle Channel #2

    gheinz 於 2024-04-19 分享

    Without a doubt, the most beautiful excursion of our stay in Ushuaia: the boat trip on the Beagle Channel. It was cold, but what a spectacle. The sea wolves, the wild birds, the scouts' lighthouse, the spectacular natural setting, the location of the two opposing shores, the Chilean to the south, the Argentinian to the north. Here's the second part, shot with a Lomography Color Negative 800 roll, and my favorite Nikkor 50mm lens.

  • #27236089

    gavrilovsergphoto 於 2024-04-14 分享

    Pentax 6x7

  • Argentina #29 - Beagle Channel #1

    gheinz 於 2024-04-16 分享

    Without a doubt, the most beautiful excursion of our stay in Ushuaia: the boat trip on the Beagle Channel. It was cold, but what a spectacle. The sea wolves, the wild birds, the scouts' lighthouse, the spectacular natural setting, the location of the two opposing shores, the Chilean to the south, the Argentinian to the north. The choice of Sunbath film was more than appropriate, and I did well to bring my 300mm zoom.

  • Argentina #29 - Beagle Channel #1

    gheinz 於 2024-04-16 分享

    Without a doubt, the most beautiful excursion of our stay in Ushuaia: the boat trip on the Beagle Channel. It was cold, but what a spectacle. The sea wolves, the wild birds, the scouts' lighthouse, the spectacular natural setting, the location of the two opposing shores, the Chilean to the south, the Argentinian to the north. The choice of Sunbath film was more than appropriate, and I did well to bring my 300mm zoom.

  • Argentina #29 - Beagle Channel #1

    gheinz 於 2024-04-16 分享

    Without a doubt, the most beautiful excursion of our stay in Ushuaia: the boat trip on the Beagle Channel. It was cold, but what a spectacle. The sea wolves, the wild birds, the scouts' lighthouse, the spectacular natural setting, the location of the two opposing shores, the Chilean to the south, the Argentinian to the north. The choice of Sunbath film was more than appropriate, and I did well to bring my 300mm zoom.

  • #27236090

    gavrilovsergphoto 於 2024-04-14 分享

    Pentax 6x7

  • #27236088

    gavrilovsergphoto 於 2024-04-14 分享

    Mamiya 645 pro tl #gavrilovsergphoto

  • Tag 100

    hallo_physio 於 2024-04-09 分享

    Eigentlich wollte ich das Projekt Photo-a-day heute abbrechen, da ich keine Motivation mehr habe weiterzumachen. Momentan läuft es leider nicht so wirklich und neben den ganzen negativen Gedanken mangelt es schon ziemlich an Kreativität. Aber ich versuche es noch bis nach den nächsten Urlaub durchzuziehen. Auch in der Hoffnung, dass ich bis dahin wieder etwas optimistischer werde.

  • #27216376

    gavrilovsergphoto 於 2024-04-05 分享


  • Argentina #27 - Ushuaia Streetphotography

    gheinz 於 2024-04-06 分享

    It was very pleasant to wander the streets of Ushuaia. A city of great serenity, in which we felt at ease. A breathtaking natural setting. And fun doing street photography.

  • Argentina #27 - Ushuaia Streetphotography

    gheinz 於 2024-04-06 分享

    It was very pleasant to wander the streets of Ushuaia. A city of great serenity, in which we felt at ease. A breathtaking natural setting. And fun doing street photography.

  • Argentina #27 - Ushuaia Streetphotography

    gheinz 於 2024-04-06 分享

    It was very pleasant to wander the streets of Ushuaia. A city of great serenity, in which we felt at ease. A breathtaking natural setting. And fun doing street photography.

  • #27220342

    vladdambis 於 2024-04-07 分享

  • #27219950

    gavrilovsergphoto 於 2024-04-07 分享


  • #27216374

    gavrilovsergphoto 於 2024-04-05 分享


  • Argentina #27 - Ushuaia Streetphotography

    gheinz 於 2024-04-06 分享

    It was very pleasant to wander the streets of Ushuaia. A city of great serenity, in which we felt at ease. A breathtaking natural setting. And fun doing street photography.

  • Tag 95

    hallo_physio 於 2024-04-04 分享

    Ich finde es faszinierend, wie Menschen sich selber belügen können und trotzdem der Meinung sein können, ehrlich zu sein. Wenn jemand drei Monate ein Verhalten an den Tag legt, welches er dann komplett leugnet und bei der Erklärung sich selber widerspricht. Ich finde es so faszinierend, da diese Menschen absolut überfordert sind, wenn sie mal einen wirklich ehrlichen Menschen wie mir begegnen und dann sogar den Kontakt abbrechen, obwohl sie es zwei Tage vorher noch komplett ausgeschlossen haben.

  • #27208808

    vladdambis 於 2024-04-02 分享

  • #27209290

    dwasawat 於 2024-04-02 分享

  • #27209292

    dwasawat 於 2024-04-02 分享

  • #27210153

    dwasawat 於 2024-04-03 分享

  • #27210591

    dwasawat 於 2024-04-03 分享

  • #27210611

    dwasawat 於 2024-04-03 分享

  • Tag 92

    hallo_physio 於 2024-04-01 分享

    Seit drei Jahren habe ich es heute das erste mal wieder zur Ziemestalbrücke geschafft. Die letzten zwei male, als ich dort war, hat die Person, mit der ich dort war, den Kontakt innerhalb eines halben Jahres abgebrochen. Ich hoffe, dass es dieses mal anders ist. Außerdem hatte ich schon lange nicht mehr so einen schönen Tag wie heute. Ich hoffe, dass dieses Gefühl jetzt noch ein paar Tage anhält.

  • #27188313

    gavrilovsergphoto 於 2024-03-24 分享

  • Tag 86

    hallo_physio 於 2024-03-26 分享

    Das Highlight des Tages: auf dem morgendlichen Spaziergang mit dem Hund die eingefrorenen Blumen und Grashalme auf der Wiese fotografieren. Ansonsten heißt es momentan eher Alltag in der Physiotherapie und freuen auf den 5.4, wenn es endlich mal wieder mit dem Minicamper losgeht.

  • Tag 91

    hallo_physio 於 2024-03-31 分享

    Manchmal bewundere ich meinen Hund. Sie ist absolut fokussiert auf ihr Ziel, ohne sich ablenken zu lassen. Ich hätte gerne auch diese Fähigkeit mich auf eine Sache fokussieren zu können, ohne ständig an andere Dinge zu denken und mich ablenken zu lassen. Ich frage mich zur Zeit auch immer öfter, ob man es im Leben leichter hat, wenn man dümmer ist und nicht alles zerdenkt, da der Kopf so viel Kapazität übrig hat.

  • #27205542

    vladdambis 於 2024-03-31 分享

  • #27205543

    vladdambis 於 2024-03-31 分享

  • Argentina #26 - First steps in the southernmost…

    gheinz 於 2024-04-01 分享

    On the evening of August 7, 2023, we finally arrived in Ushuaia, the southernmost city in the world, after 2,500 km of roadtrip in Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego. On the morning of August 8, in the middle of the southern winter, we took our first steps in this city which captivated us.

  • Argentina #26 - First steps in the southernmost…

    gheinz 於 2024-04-01 分享

    On the evening of August 7, 2023, we finally arrived in Ushuaia, the southernmost city in the world, after 2,500 km of roadtrip in Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego. On the morning of August 8, in the middle of the southern winter, we took our first steps in this city which captivated us.

  • Argentina #26 - First steps in the southernmost…

    gheinz 於 2024-04-01 分享

    On the evening of August 7, 2023, we finally arrived in Ushuaia, the southernmost city in the world, after 2,500 km of roadtrip in Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego. On the morning of August 8, in the middle of the southern winter, we took our first steps in this city which captivated us.

  • Argentina #26 - First steps in the southernmost…

    gheinz 於 2024-04-01 分享

    On the evening of August 7, 2023, we finally arrived in Ushuaia, the southernmost city in the world, after 2,500 km of roadtrip in Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego. On the morning of August 8, in the middle of the southern winter, we took our first steps in this city which captivated us.

  • #27188312

    gavrilovsergphoto 於 2024-03-24 分享

  • #27188316

    gavrilovsergphoto 於 2024-03-24 分享

  • Tag 83

    hallo_physio 於 2024-03-23 分享

    Manchmal hat man ein Bauchgefühl und nur sich selber als Bestätigung, weshalb man die ganze Zeit daran zweifelt. Und manchmal schaut jemand von außen drüber und bestätigt, dass man mit seinem Bauchgefühl auf dem richtigen Weg ist. So habe ich heute bestätigt bekommen, dass ich doch nicht verrückt bin und meinem Bauchgefühl vertrauen sollte. Außerdem geht mir das Lächeln dieser einen Person einfach nicht mehr aus dem Kopf.

  • 憂の秋 -hole hearted

    hodachrome 於 2024-03-20 分享

  • #27161300

    gavrilovsergphoto 於 2024-03-12 分享

  • #27161630

    gavrilovsergphoto 於 2024-03-12 分享

  • Argentina #22 - The Perito Moreno Glacier #3

    gheinz 於 2024-03-13 分享

    Here's the third and last album about the extraordinary Perito Moreno glacier, which is located 80 km from El Calafate. Besides my Fujica GS645, I also took some photos with my Nikon FM3a, on which I had put my 28mm lens. The first three shots show the road that leads from El Calafate to the site from where you can admire the glacier.

  • Argentina #22 - The Perito Moreno Glacier #3

    gheinz 於 2024-03-13 分享

    Here's the third and last album about the extraordinary Perito Moreno glacier, which is located 80 km from El Calafate. Besides my Fujica GS645, I also took some photos with my Nikon FM3a, on which I had put my 28mm lens. The first three shots show the road that leads from El Calafate to the site from where you can admire the glacier.

  • Argentina #22 - The Perito Moreno Glacier #3

    gheinz 於 2024-03-13 分享

    Here's the third and last album about the extraordinary Perito Moreno glacier, which is located 80 km from El Calafate. Besides my Fujica GS645, I also took some photos with my Nikon FM3a, on which I had put my 28mm lens. The first three shots show the road that leads from El Calafate to the site from where you can admire the glacier.

  • Argentina #22 - The Perito Moreno Glacier #3

    gheinz 於 2024-03-13 分享

    Here's the third and last album about the extraordinary Perito Moreno glacier, which is located 80 km from El Calafate. Besides my Fujica GS645, I also took some photos with my Nikon FM3a, on which I had put my 28mm lens. The first three shots show the road that leads from El Calafate to the site from where you can admire the glacier.