

I am the world's luckiest guy, because I have a family to die for, I live in an amazing town, and I love my job. I'm a secondary school teacher in Madrid, the most under-rated capital city in Europe. When I'm not sharing my passion with my students, I'm either playing the saxophone or riding my motorbike around this amazing country, trying to capture the life-force in its landscapes and its people.

PS, home of the day 31 July 2024. And I can't believe it, because so many people are liking photos that I almost didn't post, because I really don't think they're that great!

Cameras: Nikon FE, Nikkormat FT-n, Minolta SRT303b, Minolta X300s, Minolta Dynax 404si. Plus Nikon D70 and Nikon D80, which don't really count because they are digital.

Favourite lenses: Rokkor 50mm 1.7, Nikkor 50mm 1.4, Carl Zeiss Jena 28/70, f3.5 macro. Everyone talks about how much Prime lenses are better than zoom lenses, but to be honest, I really think the 28/70 Zeiss Jena is excellent. The only advantage the Prime lenses have is their larger apertures. That's cool for portrait work, but useless for landscapes, where you really need a small aperture and great depth of field.

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