A perfect photo is like a movie with just one image.
Photo of the week 30.08.2024: www.lomography.tw/photos/27531877
My Instagram: www.instagram.com/mrwaname
My VERO: vero.co/extragrau
我的相片 我的照片集 My Walls My Likes
相簿: Double Exposure
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相簿: Pinhole Photography
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相簿: Color
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相簿: Polaroid
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相簿: Black & White
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相簿: Phoenix 200 Film (experimental)
shared by extragrau on 2024-03-15 · 56 張照片
My Metas
- Tags:
- 120
- 35
- 35mm
- adoxchs100ii
- adoxhr50
- analog
- berlin
- blackandwhite
- cinestill50d
- color
- doubleexposure
- entenwerder1
- experimental
- expired
- ferraniap30
- filmferraniap30
- fomapan100
- hamburg
- ilforddelta400
- ilfordfp4
- ilfordfp4+
- ilfordpanf50
- ilfordpanfplus50
- kentmere400
- kiel
- kodakcolorplus
- kodakgold
- kodakgold200
- kodaktrix
- lomochromemetropolis
- neon
- ondu
- phoenix200
- pinhole
- polarodnowplus
- polaroid
- potsdam100
- santacolor100
- schwalbe
- sign
- wismar
- Cameras:
- Minolta X-700
- Nikon F50
- ONDU 6x12 Multiformat Pinhole Camera
- Pentax ES II
- Pentax MX
- Pentax MZ-5
- pentax MZ-5
- Films:
- Adox CHS 100 II
- Adox HR-50
- Agfa APX 400
- Ferrania P30
- Fomapan 100
- Harman Phoenix 200
- Ilford Delta 100
- Ilford Delta 3200
- Ilford Delta 400
- Ilford FP4+
- Ilford HP5 Plus 400
- Ilford Pan F Plus 50
- Kentmere 400
- Kodak BW400CN
- Kodak Color Plus 200
- Kodak Gold 200
- Kodak Tri-X 400
- LomoChrome Metropolis 35 mm ISO 100–400
- Lomography Potsdam Kino 100
- Santacolor 100