The Marxzell Museum is a bit dark so needed high iso like 12800 ... The HP5+ in 120 format handles it easily.

4 個留言

  1. peterbranger
    peterbranger ·

    Excellent results!

  2. astonuts
    astonuts ·

    @peterbranger thank you so much. I was really happy when the film was developed, the HP5 really handled the extreme push well.

  3. rolfmg
    rolfmg ·

    Absolutely stunning - which times/aperture did you use?

  4. astonuts
    astonuts ·

    @rolfmg I actually used my cell for each photo so I don't really remember but aperture was either f/4.5 or f/5.6. Speeds were 1/50, 1/25 and even sometimes 1/10. Fortunately, the way you shoot with a TLR on the belly allows for slower speeds. And remember this was at 12800 iso !
    I think I will go back to this museum with an Ilford Delta 3200 and will push it at 25600 or more.

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