Calgary lace in the LA sun

Here are the results of another film swap with my good friend and great lomographer mafiosa ( . She shot Velvia 100 in her Lubitel using a lace filter and I shot the roll in my Holga 120 N. Unfortunately, I think I overexposed a number of these pictures. The LA sun was just a bit too much for the Calgary lace shots, but I do really like some of the results. Thanks again, mafiosa!

10 個留言

  1. mafiosa
    mafiosa ·

    I think this swap turned out pretty cool! I'm so happy to have worked with you on these.

  2. clickiemcpete
    clickiemcpete ·

    Great stuff!

  3. grazie
    grazie ·

    nice doubles @trw and @mafiosa

  4. mafiosa
    mafiosa ·

    Thank yo sweet @grazie and @clickimcpete (you are sweet too)

  5. vici
    vici ·

    and @mafiosa - so cool! Lace filter, great idea!

  6. 134340
    134340 ·

    Nice double!! @trw and @mafiosa

  7. trw
    trw ·

    @mafiosa Thanks so much! It was great working with you, too!

  8. trw
    trw ·

    @clickiemcpete @grazie @vici @134340 Thanks so much to all of you!!!

  9. mafiosa
    mafiosa ·

    @vici and @134340 - Thank you for checking the latets trw-mafiosa collaboration :) @trw is very secure in his masculinity to agree to the lace! <3

  10. he-mo
    he-mo ·

    nice album @trw and @mafiosa !!!!

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