Ziatype with Anne Eder – Penumbra Foundation

2023-01-21 – 2023-01-22 · United States
Ziatype with Anne Eder – Penumbra Foundation

Ziatype is a variation on the traditional palladium process that offers advantages in ease of use, flexibility in tone and contrast, and potential for experimentation. This printing out process requires no chemical developer and exposure can be assessed during development, eliminating waste of expensive palladium due to over and under exposure. Contrast and color are controlled by altering drop count ratios of the chemistry used in the sensitized coating. The resulting images are extremely stable and the possibilities for variation are virtually unlimited. On the first day of the workshop, students will begin by learning how to generate a digital negative best suited for Ziatype printing and produce first prints. On day two, students will continue to practice and start to explore how adjusting the sensitizer affects the tone and contrast of the print.

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