mike1allison 的作品

Just a quick upload - the film is drying but I pulled this off with my phone. These are TMAX 400... shot and developed according to Reinhold's instructions. ( caffenol.blogspot.com/2010/10/more-tmax400-caffenol-c-l.html ). Dev time and fixing time is critical. I fixed these for 32 minutes in Kodak standard Fixer. My clip test was 12 minutes, and, if I REALLY followed Reinhold's instructions I would have fixed for 36 minutes.... I will upload the rest when they dry ....

Caffenol C L Pt 2

Monochrome: Black and White 黑白攝影大獎 2020

2020 TEN AND ONE Lomography 年度攝影大獎 Mononchrome 組別公開募集作品中,提交你的黑白底片作品!

mike1allison 的參賽作品