holgardo 的作品

lupus in fabula

"Lupus in fabula" (the wolf is in the tale)is a latin locution that means that someone we were talking about, comes in. For english speakers it would be "Speak of the devil"; for spanish speakers, "Hablando del Rey de Roma, por la puerta asoma" (Speaking of the King of Rome, through the door he appears).
In this double exposure serie ther´s always a wolf in the frame. Sometimes it is in clear sight, sometimes it is hidding.

Trail and Error: 烈日當空

在今次的「Trial and Error」挑戰,過度曝光就是遊戲宗旨! 把菲林拉出兩三秒(如果你夠大膽的話!),強行曝光!或者為你的照片添加令人眼花繚亂的氣氛(偶然或故意)的漏光吧!

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