Actually, I'm a bit disappointed as I was waiting for better results with the Canon. The Kodak Ektra 52 was way more effective with Orca ...

4 個留言

  1. rolfmg
    rolfmg ·

    The Estafette (correct?) missed some of my uploads as an occasional car spotter...(-; an Estafette converted to a food full running condition. Have a look if you have the time (there are a couple of other vintage car shots you may have missed.....

  2. astonuts
    astonuts ·

    @rolfmg yes, I sometimes miss some photos :-( And it's an Estafette :-)

  3. rolfmg
    rolfmg ·

    @astonuts thanks, a loveable vehicle. In the 70ies I dreamt of owning one. I finally ended up with a VW Typ 147 (Fridolin).

  4. astonuts
    astonuts ·

    @rolfmg I hadn't seen this answer yet. That confirms what I told you about the Fridolin being parctifal and good as a camper too :-)

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