Last Bus out of Los Cristianos

The excursion to Los Cristianos was scheduled for a couple of hours. After wondering through a couple of aisles of market stalls & haggling with a people to get the best deal on various items, including my newly purchased Armani sunglasses (a bargin at 6EUR!), we'd seen it all. The same stalls seemed to be setup one after the other in a seemingly endless row of copyrite infringements & forgeries . Realising there were no treats or treasures tucked away in the market we took a walk, got an ice-cream & sunned ourselves. To fill time we went for a coffee in an above street level coffee shop/bar. From this vantage point we could see several other couples also sitting around, chatting & enjoying a drink in the sun while they kicked their heels & waited for the coach to return & take us back to the hotel. Sitting, patiently waiting, we watched the world go by & took a picture to pass the time. As you maybe able to tell: We were not big fans of Los Cristianos.

More photos by jsmcbride