ihave2pillows 的作品

3. No Americans Allowed

If you are not American, then you can ride a diesel train that goes all the way from Beijing, up to Dandong, across the Yalu River and then down to the North Korean capital of Pyongyang.

We got inspected on the train for ages both going in and out of the country. NK custom officials would come on to the train and go through our luggages.

That's when we realised, that North Koreans are really short and skinny. I partly expected that because of the well-documented malnutrition.

What I did not expect, was our incredible NK inspector, who has zero short-term memory and zero capacity in facial recognition. Basically, he can't tell which passport belonged to who, and which of us he has already searched. So I guess reports of wide-spread NK meth abuse by the Western media could be true!

25 Years of Lomography: Lomowall 北韓

作為世界上最孤立的地方之一,北韓的大部分地區仍然是一個謎。 你在訪問這個國家時看到了甚麼?

ihave2pillows 的參賽作品